AI-Powered Data Access Management: Where Intelligent Governance Meets Enforcement

Last Published: Feb 28, 2024 |

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of Cloud Data Access Management (CDAM) for the industry’s first AI-powered data access management solution, now available on Informatica’s market leading Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC).

Cloud Data Access Management (CDAM) enables organizations to accelerate innovation on a foundation of AI-powered data governance, deploying new use cases in analytics and AI with automated, policy-based security and privacy controls driven by metadata intelligence. CDAM brings comprehensive data security and privacy capabilities to IDMC fully integrated with AI-driven discovery and classification tools that allow you to quickly automate and enforce data access across your data estates.

Built on Informatica's 2023 acquisition of Privitar, an industry leader in comprehensive data access management products, the solution leverages the power of Informatica's CLAIRE® AI engine to deliver consistent data governance across data sources in the enterprise with IDMC's common metadata foundation.

Meeting demand for privacy and protection

The need for scalable data access management is amplified by the explosion of advanced data-driven use cases, including generative AI (GenAI) and predictive analytics. Data leaders recognize this need to embed trust and secure data as they embrace a data-driven culture and seize the opportunities to unleash more value from data through broader use.

In our latest CDO Insights research, data privacy, protection and compliance are ranked as one of the top three responsibilities of data leaders, and one of the top three challenges for those who are adopting or planning to adopt GenAI, identified by 40% of leaders. Data privacy and protection (45%) tops the list of data management capabilities that data leaders are investing in to support their data strategy priorities.

CDAM brings consistency, transparency and automation to the complex challenges of data privacy and protection for GenAI use cases. Informatica customers can benefit from data democratization at scale, making more data available to more users through self-service and accelerating the use of data for AI initiatives.

AI-powered data access management

With businesses focused on accelerating data pipelines for analytics and AI use cases, data access management and the power of AI are critical capabilities for providing secure and trusted data democratization and growing digital businesses.

Cloud Data Access Management uses data classifications generated by Informatica’s CLAIRE, an AI engine designed to automate data management tasks using unified metadata intelligence in IDMC, as a key component to automate appropriate security and privacy controls for data use and sharing. Automating data access controls using technical metadata, classifications and business processes makes it easier for companies to promote responsible practices, even as they scale.

CLAIRE's AI algorithms can detect sensitive information, such as personal identification numbers, financial information, or health records, within large datasets. By recognizing these sensitive elements, CLAIRE identifies datasets across the enterprise that need strict access controls to protect privacy and comply with regulations.

Data access management to accelerate AI

Cloud Data Access Management supports AI adoption in organizations seeking to leverage modern architectures and cloud platforms. Data access can be extended to more users and applications, while maintaining rigorous security and privacy posture.

CDAM’s security and privacy controls ensure only authorized personnel have access to specific datasets and minimize the risk of data leaks through GenAI models, especially for sensitive and proprietary information in training data or the use of Retrieval-Augmented Generation pipelines with LLMs.

When we announced the acquisition last July, we committed to integrating Privitar’s technology into IDMC with a seamless experience for our users. The result not only delivers an intuitive policy management experience but also enhances data integration and data marketplace user experiences with embedded policy automation and streamlined data access workflows.

A policy created in Cloud Data Access Management can be enforced automatically across multiple workloads and data flows in diverse environments:

  • Deploying policies using Cloud Data Integration enables automated application of security and privacy policies on workloads moving between sources or to the cloud.
  • Integration with Cloud Data Marketplace provides policy enforcement at the point of data consumption, automating contextual controls on data use and sharing as part of the shop-for-data experience, making sure data is available to appropriate users while protecting confidential information.

AI-powered data access management makes it possible to replace complex, inconsistent and manual processes with logical, consistent and automated workflows. Data stewards and engineers can be freed from time-intensive aspects of connecting data consumers with data or curating reliable data sources to deliver. 

Unlocking the full power of data

This announcement changes the dynamic for Informatica customers who want to share and use more data to more users and applications with a greater degree of control.

“Gilead Sciences is truly excited about AI-powered Cloud Data Access Management from Informatica,” says Murali Vridhachalam, Head of Cloud, Data, & Analytics at Gilead. “Our goal is to simplify and further secure data access and governance process without compromising on customer trust. The ability to use data securely and confidently control access throughout our organization is essential to unlocking the full power of our data. We want to make it easier for approved users to access the right data and make their impact on business objectives through the responsible and compliant use of analytics and AI. We're excited to see Informatica extending IDMC to help solve the last mile of data challenges with data access management.

Next steps

Cloud Data Access Management is now available as part of the Intelligent Data Management Cloud and can be deployed as part of an overall governance solution or as a standalone capability that complements other data management offerings from Informatica.

Why not set up a call with an expert to start exploring this new capability today?

Want to learn more about Cloud Data Access Management? Join us at the MDM & Data Governance Summit – Register Today!

First Published: Feb 29, 2024